Dummy Magazine recently posted an in-depth feature on Koreless, which you can check out here. For the images for the feature they commissioned a new young photographer, David Boyson Cooper (the full photos will be posted up at Dummy soon). We caught up with him and asked him for some examples of his past work and for a short biography.
“Living in Glasgow by way of a youth spent on the Shetland Isles, as far north as Britain floats, i try to photograph whatever i come across or whatever my friends are doing in their daily lives. Ive been taking photos for just over a year, after a friend gave me a camera for Christmas. I owe everything to that present. Im not a huge fan of overly planned or constructed photographs, whatever happens out and about or in and about is what i want to capture. It could be anything from photographing petrel bombs to alleviate the boredom of island life or the burning bike i came across one night late in Glasgow. I always have a camera with me, cos the best thing you didnt photograph becomes the best thing you never saw.”
David Boyson Cooper